Monday, September 14, 2009

South African C# programmers in the top 3



...  There's another reality to be found on Google Trends. It also lists the regions, cities, and languages where a search term is most popular. Keeping in mind that language terms are most popular with beginners and those learning a new language, it's interesting to note that the top three regions for C# are India, South Africa, and Israel (the United States is No. 10), that the seven top cities are in India and China, and that the No. 1search language is Chinese. Indeed, similar region and language trends apply across every language and dev platform I checked  ...




Monday, September 7, 2009

MapGuide Tooltip Tool

MapGuide Tooltips

One feature in MapGuide that some people may overlook (in terms of utility) is tooltips.

They look simple enough, you use them to display certain attributes when your mouse pointer is over a feature. But what some may not realise is how these tooltips are implemented in the AJAX (or Fusion) viewer.

These tooltips are implemented in the viewer as HTML div containers. What this means is that given some knowledge of basic HTML, you can create some really cool and powerful tooltips.

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This is very good and all but you must use nested concat() functions to string together the Html to display correctly in a browser.
Well I’ve created a little tool(Download here) to help convert html to the more complex concat() string used in mapguide maestro.

All you have to do is create the html is your favorite html editor and paste the result in this tool to generate the concat string. The column names must be enclosed in brackets[].

<div style="border:none ; padding:8px;">
Name: [CustName]<br/>
Surname: [CustSurname]<br/>
Phone: [CustContact]<br/>
E-Mail: [CustMail]

This will generate a Concat string:

Concat(' <strong>Customer</strong>
<div style="border:none ; padding:8px;">
Name: ',Concat(CustName,Concat('<br/>
Surname: ',Concat(CustSurname,Concat('<br/>
Phone: ',Concat(CustContact,Concat('<br/>
E-Mail: ',Concat(CustMail,'

Which in turn gets pasted in mapguide maestro tooltip and generates the appropriate tooltip.

Hope it helps.